Wednesday 17 August 2011

arindam chaudhuri films

Arindam Chaudhuri Do Dooni Chaar

Life can be tough for a man who teaches at a school for a living, lives in a DDA flat in Delhi and is coping with the double digit inflation rates and single digit increments in his salary. Add to that, a teenage daughter, a fast-track son and a wife who loves the good life. The life of the Duggals is passing by in simply taking care of the basics. Until one day, they decide to dream. Their ticket to dreaming comes in the form of a wedding invitation. An innocent little wedding invitation. What follows is a journey of chaos, realizations, calculations, confrontations and bonding. This crazy Duggals will fight it out at home (and the neighborhood) for what they think is a ‘good buy’ for the family! This family bonds in the most unexpected and hilarious situations.

Saturday 23 July 2011


Thursday, July 21, 2011

If, for some masochistic reason, you happen to have read more than one of these weekly columns I drag and wrench out of my reluctant laptop, you’d know that I’m an absolute sucker for miracle-tales. I’ve spent a lot of time over the last few years in dusty libraries pouring over crumbly sepia-tinged, dog-eared pages and websites that promise to reveal ‘the secrets of energy and ecstasy’, loo King for tangible evidence of a claimed miracle. And I’ve seen glimpses… a shadow here, a silhouette there, but nothing more that I could touch, tell and know. I’ve trudged through the proverbial deserts and valleys, and desolate forts, and waited by the banks of unnamed rivers in forgotten forests in search of a promised sign or a whispered legend, and heard a lot, but saw very little.

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

If, for some masochistic reason, you happen to have read more than one of these weekly columns I drag and wrench out of my reluctant laptop, you’d know that I’m an absolute sucker for miracle-tales. I’ve spent a lot of time over the last few years in dusty libraries pouring over crumbly sepia-tinged, dog-eared pages and websites that promise to reveal ‘the secrets of energy and ecstasy’, loo King for tangible evidence of a claimed miracle. And I’ve seen glimpses… a shadow here, a silhouette there, but nothing more that I could touch, tell and know. I’ve trudged through the proverbial deserts and valleys, and desolate forts, and waited by the banks of unnamed rivers in forgotten forests in search of a promised sign or a whispered legend, and heard a lot, but saw very little.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

“Thisss eeezz Poveglia…!” and he let the words hang in the salt-thick sea air. I stared silently at the island as it floated on the mist and myth that surrounded it. It was almost dusk and as the sun set behind the silhouetted island, for a brief moment, the sea and the island’s bell tower seemed to have been set on fire… reminiscent of the tall flames that used to crackle on this island centuries ago… flames, the smoke and the screams… screams that rent sky, until the fire doused the screams…......

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Friday 22 July 2011

IIPM B-school of MBA BBA EMBA Integrated Courses: Sell your old stuff online

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Indian consumer likes to stay abreast with the latest technology and devices. With multiple launches happening across categories such as phones, tablets, automobiles etc. every month, an average consumer is spoilt for choice.
The purchase is not limited to just shops anymore; online market in India is also growing at exponential rate. However, what happens to the stuff that is getting old? It is either handed down among relatives or just stuffed at a corner in the house accumulating dust, more often the latter.
An alternate solution is to just sell it online. Online selling is not as big as online purchase in India at the moment, but it is also growing.
The following websites are your best bet to get good money out of your old stuff without having to worry about getting conned.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

This tale is not mine to tell but one I stumbled upon … last day in Antwerp and while my friends emptied out souvenir and designer stores, I wandered about the city square till I saw two tall towers, peering above the rest of the city, glinting in the fading light of a spent sun. It was the city cathedral. Inside the cathedral, stood proud old walls adorned with masterpieces by the Flemish master Sir Paul Peter Reubens. I started taking pictures of the cathedral’s tall spires. As I backed away to try and squeeze the length of the tower inside the frame, I stumbled and fell bum-first onto a low platform that rose less than three feet from the cobbled street. It was a stone plaque with a pen-and-ink picture of a big dog and a little boy with an inscription that said, “Nello and his dog Patrasche… symbols of eternal friendship, loyalty and devotion.”

Intrigued, I asked Pierre, our Belgian host if he happened to know what this was about. Pierre nodded “Ah… eetz a nice story!”

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Thursday 21 July 2011

COMMON SENSE SIMPLIFIED: THE TRACK OF DEATH: "Indian railways need to set their ‘safety’ priority right! The Indian Railways is just not a mode of transport but is a legacy in itself. ...

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Typos: BETRAYAL AT CHAURI CHAURA: "The harm that good men do’, was an essay by Bertrand Russell that I never finished reading but was a heading I oft en thought about whenever..."


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Tuesday 19 July 2011

Mumbai attacked again, 3 blasts in Dadar West, Zaveri Bazar and Opera House, killed 19

IIPM B-school of MBA BBA EMBA Integrated Courses.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Terror struck Mumbai again when three serial blasts in crowded areas killed 18 people and injured 113. The blasts took place in Dadar (West), Zaveri Bazar and Opera House.

Mumbai Police Commissioner Aroop Patnaik said it was a terror strike. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh asked Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan and Home Minister P Chidambaram to extend all possible help to the families of the dead and the injured.………………..

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