Wednesday 17 August 2011

arindam chaudhuri films

Arindam Chaudhuri Do Dooni Chaar

Life can be tough for a man who teaches at a school for a living, lives in a DDA flat in Delhi and is coping with the double digit inflation rates and single digit increments in his salary. Add to that, a teenage daughter, a fast-track son and a wife who loves the good life. The life of the Duggals is passing by in simply taking care of the basics. Until one day, they decide to dream. Their ticket to dreaming comes in the form of a wedding invitation. An innocent little wedding invitation. What follows is a journey of chaos, realizations, calculations, confrontations and bonding. This crazy Duggals will fight it out at home (and the neighborhood) for what they think is a ‘good buy’ for the family! This family bonds in the most unexpected and hilarious situations.

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